Thursday, February 1 at 19.00 at Clarion Hotel Energy, we invite you to a fun evening for a good cause!
We have a great program with a short lecture on breast cancer research at Stavanger University Hospital (SuS) by Professor Håvard Søiland.
Since 2002, Søiland has made an important effort to ensure that breast cancer patients receive better follow-up and treatment in the future. He has been a key driver in building up the Research Group for Breast Cancer (FFB) and the regional Prospective Breast Cancer Biobank (PBCB). A biobank is a collection of human biological material used in research. Søiland and the research group have used this bank to map the recurrence of breast cancer patients by looking for markers for early recurrence of breast cancer in blood samples.
We will continue the evening with magic and singing from Marita Stølsmark. Stølsmark is a singer, songwriter and pianist from Stavanger. After a 13-year career as a nurse, she quit her job last fall to focus on music, and her music is a wonderful mix of soul, pop, jazz and gospel.
Last but not least, there will be a simultaneous chess exhibition where TV 2’s chess reporter, Maud Rødsmoen, will play against all participants. Those taking part are representatives from various companies that have helped support the project, as well as a mayoral duel with mayors from several municipalities, following a challenge from Stavanger mayor Sissel Knutsen Hegdal.
The evening will be led by former County Mayor, Janne Johnsen.
We hope to see you there!
The event is free of charge and there will be an opportunity to make a contribution of any amount if you are able to, through Vipps during the event.
Does your company want to support this research? 100% of the funds goes directly to the cause.
Get in touch with Benedicte:
[email protected]